There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
комментарии Годрика на разные события 4-го сезона

Godric talks about

@темы: video

There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about

@темы: foto


There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about

There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about

Канон: True Blood || Настоящая кровь
Название: Все уходит, как эти воды, всякий день и всякую ночь
Переводчик: profilefandom Bloodsuckers 2013
Размер: миди, 4853 слова
Пейринг/Персонажи: Эрик Нортман\Годрик
Категория: слеш
Жанр: романс
Рейтинг: PG-13
Саммари: они были черными карлами и гоблинами сотни лет до того, как их стали называть вампирами
Для голосования: #. fandom Bloodsuckers - работа "Все уходит, как эти воды, всякий день и всякую ночь"

По другим вампирским канонам
ч.1 (Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter || Анита Блейк: охотница на вампиров)
ч.3 (Vampire: The Masquerade || Вампиры: Маскарад)
ч.4 ( Kindred: The Embraced || Клан)
ч.5 (Blood Ties || Узы крови)
ч.6 (Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel || Баффи — Истребительница вампиров & Ангел)
ч.7 ( The Vampire Diaries || Дневники вампира)

Сообщество для голосования на Фандомной битве-2013
Как голосовать
График выкладки работ

@темы: fanfic



There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
тизер последней серии 6-го сезона


@темы: promo, video, episode.10

There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about


@темы: video, spoilers

There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about

миньонская Мать©
6х07, 18 аватар, 100х100


@темы: fan-art.icons, episode.07



There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
внезапно ОСТ "Игр престолов" очень напомнил музыку молодости Эрика Нортмана

@темы: fan-art


There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about

@темы: video

There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about

@темы: video


There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
к 8-ой серии - нельзя просто так взять и упомянуть имя Годрика всуе


@темы: spoilers


There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about

There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about

There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about

My blood is in you. I'm with you always.

@темы: fan-art


There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about


@темы: foto


There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
Don’t leave me, don’t go…

читать дальше

@темы: spoilers



There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
душераздирающая сцена, когда он молится Годрику


There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about

@темы: foto