пятница, 29 августа 2014
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воскресенье, 24 ноября 2013
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
среда, 16 октября 2013
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
In an era where most major motion pictures have begin to shy away from onscreen nudity and sensual love-making sequences, Skarsgård jokes he had no problem baring it all forThe East. “I’m clearly quite comfortable with it, because I’m always naked on True Blood,” he says with a laugh. “Six years in and my clothes are usually off.” The Stockholm-born son of famed actor Stellan Skarsgård reinforced his lack of physical inhibitions in the recent Season Six finale of True Blood. His vampire character, former Norse Viking Eric Northman, appeared au natural as he burst into flames. “I really don’t have a problem if being naked is an essential part of any story,” he contends. “A lot of actors find doing sex scenes awkward, I don’t think they are. I really don’t think twice about taking off my clothes if it makes sense.”
Скарса спрашивают, какого вам было в "East" сниматься голышом, а он - да без проблем, я уже 6 лет шарахаюсь голым в тру блад и вообще не думаю дважды, прежде чем скинуть одежду
Скарса спрашивают, какого вам было в "East" сниматься голышом, а он - да без проблем, я уже 6 лет шарахаюсь голым в тру блад и вообще не думаю дважды, прежде чем скинуть одежду
воскресенье, 13 октября 2013
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
"You are incapable of love. You are damned. You cannot be saved. You are a creature of death and the living are good for only one thing… and it is not love.”
четверг, 19 сентября 2013
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
понедельник, 16 сентября 2013
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
Скарс о финале 6-го сезона. Говорит, что ему очень понравилась финальная сцена, потому что непонятно, жив Эрик или нет
воскресенье, 15 сентября 2013
воскресенье, 08 сентября 2013
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
четверг, 05 сентября 2013
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
HBO анонсировал, что следующий сезон (7-ой) будет последним, несмотря на количество фанатов сериала
HBO has set end date for True Blood, announcing today that the series’ upcoming seventh season next summer will be its last. The veteran vampire drama, created by Alan Ball based on Charlaine Harris’ books, was recently renewed for a 10-episode seventh season. “True Blood has been nothing short of a defining show for HBO,” said HBO’s president of programming Michael Lombardo. “Together with its legions of fans, it will be hard to say goodbye to the residents of Bon Temps, but I look forward to what promises to be a fantastic final chapter of this incredible show.” True Blood, starring Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer, had been HBO’s flagship drama until this year when it was eclipsed by the red-hot Game Of Thrones. It still is a potent draw, logging 4.5 million viewers for its sixth-season premiere this summer and averaging gross audience of 10.6 million viewers per episode. True Blood also successfully navigated the transition from Ball to new showrunner Brian Buckner who took over the show early into Season 6.
радует, что они обещают всех (в т.ч. и Скарсгарда) в последнем сезоне.
All key cast members, including stars Paquin, Moyer and Alexander Skarsgard, are on board for the series’ final chapter.
вторник, 03 сентября 2013
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
Канон: True Blood || Настоящая кровь
Название: Долг Стакхаусов
Переводчик: profilefandom Bloodsuckers 2013
Бета: profilefandom Bloodsuckers 2013
Оригинал: A Stackhouse's Duty, автор srmarybadass
Разрешение на перевод: получено
Размер: мини, 1849 слов
Пейринг/Персонажи: Эрик Нортман/Джейсон Стакхаус
Категория: слэш
Жанр: юмор
Рейтинг: R
Краткое содержание: После событий в Далласе Сьюки отправляет Джейсона проведать Эрика
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четверг, 29 августа 2013
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
понедельник, 26 августа 2013
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
True Blood во второй части
Канон: True Blood || Настоящая кровь
Название: Празднование
Переводчик: profilefandom Bloodsuckers 2013
Бета: profilefandom Bloodsuckers 2013
Размер: драббл, 435 слов в оригинале
Пейринг/Персонажи: Эрик/Годрик
Категория: слэш
Жанр: PWP
Рейтинг: R
Для голосования: #. fandom Bloodsuckers 2013 - работа "Празднование"
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суббота, 24 августа 2013
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среда, 21 августа 2013
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
слухи о смерти Эрика сильно преувеличены
шоураннер Брайн Бакнер рассказывает о дальнейшей судьбе Эрика
Buckner spoke with TV Line and revealed that Eric did not actually die the true death like many fans believe. The showrunner says, “I can tell you that Alexander Skarsgard is going to be a part of the next season of True Blood. He will be a series regular.”
"Я могу сказать вам, что Александр Скарсгард будет частью следующего сезона ТБ. На регулярной основе"
But, that doesn’t mean we’ll see him right at the start of season 7. While he won’t say where Eric goes or what happens he does tease, “Pam has gone off in search of Eric, and maybe she’s going to be the one to find him, y’know?”
но он не сказал точно, что с Эриком случится. "Пэм отправилась на поиски Эрика, и может быть, она будет как раз той, кто его найдет, вы знаете"
Buckner also revealed how easy it was to get Alexander Skarsgard to go full frontal in the True Blood season 6 finale. Saying that there wasn’t an actual conversation about it – he simply asked if Skarsgard was okay with it. Adding, “He knew the gift he was giving everybody.”
а также рассказал, легко ли было уговорить Скарсгарда сняться обнаженным полностью. Он просто спросил Скарсгарда, как он к этому относится. "Он знал о подарке, который он дал каждому"
TVLINE : What kind of behind-the-scenes conversations took place prior to shooting?
Alex Skarsgard was the coolest camper in the world. There’s no conversation with him. He’s Swedish. They’re naked all the time. As a matter of fact, when I saw what we had on camera, I sent him an email that said, “We’re going to lock picture. Are you OK with this?” He said, “No problemo.” That was the conversation. It couldn’t have been easier.
TVLINE : Did the reaction surprise you — or him? Probably not.
I think sometimes we are impressed by how much people care. But I don’t think that people care was a surprise. He knew the gift he was giving everybody.
на вопрос - ничего, если мы покажем тебя голым, он сказал "Ноу проблемо"
с интонациями Эрика, наверное
и почему, по мнению создателей, Эрик так сделал:
Whose idea was it for Eric to be sunbathing nude on a snow-covered mountaintop in Sweden?
Buckner: It was mine. The original idea was that it’s basically like a Corona commercial, but I didn’t want to do a beach because it’s obvious. This is a man who doesn’t want to love, and doesn’t want to feel pain, and every connection he has to people ends in pain. So if Eric could be an island, he would be. So with Nora gone, and having sought vengeance for her death, he found that the pain was still there and he doesn’t want to feel it again. So he retreated and returned home. That’s as much as the audience is meant to know. For now.
шоураннер Брайн Бакнер рассказывает о дальнейшей судьбе Эрика
Buckner spoke with TV Line and revealed that Eric did not actually die the true death like many fans believe. The showrunner says, “I can tell you that Alexander Skarsgard is going to be a part of the next season of True Blood. He will be a series regular.”
"Я могу сказать вам, что Александр Скарсгард будет частью следующего сезона ТБ. На регулярной основе"
But, that doesn’t mean we’ll see him right at the start of season 7. While he won’t say where Eric goes or what happens he does tease, “Pam has gone off in search of Eric, and maybe she’s going to be the one to find him, y’know?”
но он не сказал точно, что с Эриком случится. "Пэм отправилась на поиски Эрика, и может быть, она будет как раз той, кто его найдет, вы знаете"
Buckner also revealed how easy it was to get Alexander Skarsgard to go full frontal in the True Blood season 6 finale. Saying that there wasn’t an actual conversation about it – he simply asked if Skarsgard was okay with it. Adding, “He knew the gift he was giving everybody.”
а также рассказал, легко ли было уговорить Скарсгарда сняться обнаженным полностью. Он просто спросил Скарсгарда, как он к этому относится. "Он знал о подарке, который он дал каждому"
TVLINE : What kind of behind-the-scenes conversations took place prior to shooting?
Alex Skarsgard was the coolest camper in the world. There’s no conversation with him. He’s Swedish. They’re naked all the time. As a matter of fact, when I saw what we had on camera, I sent him an email that said, “We’re going to lock picture. Are you OK with this?” He said, “No problemo.” That was the conversation. It couldn’t have been easier.
TVLINE : Did the reaction surprise you — or him? Probably not.
I think sometimes we are impressed by how much people care. But I don’t think that people care was a surprise. He knew the gift he was giving everybody.
на вопрос - ничего, если мы покажем тебя голым, он сказал "Ноу проблемо"
и почему, по мнению создателей, Эрик так сделал:
Whose idea was it for Eric to be sunbathing nude on a snow-covered mountaintop in Sweden?
Buckner: It was mine. The original idea was that it’s basically like a Corona commercial, but I didn’t want to do a beach because it’s obvious. This is a man who doesn’t want to love, and doesn’t want to feel pain, and every connection he has to people ends in pain. So if Eric could be an island, he would be. So with Nora gone, and having sought vengeance for her death, he found that the pain was still there and he doesn’t want to feel it again. So he retreated and returned home. That’s as much as the audience is meant to know. For now.
вторник, 20 августа 2013
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
короткометражка "Пробуждение"
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вот эти дивные гифки оттуда
короткометражка (совсем короткометражка) Smile
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+ бонус Алан дурачится с друганом
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вот эти дивные гифки оттуда
короткометражка (совсем короткометражка) Smile
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+ бонус Алан дурачится с друганом
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There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
вопрос, волнующий миллионы - так что же за книгу читал Эрик в конце 6-го сезона?
читает он книгу Яльмара Сёдерберга "Серьезная игра" ("Den allvarsamma leken")
The Serious Game (Swedish: Den allvarsamma leken) is a 1912 novel by Hjalmar Söderberg. It tells the story of a man and a woman who fall in love when young, and remain in love, but stay separated and marry others.
на самом деле миллионы волновал совсем другой вопрос
фронтальная обнаженка Эрика, рейтинг, спойлер финала 6-го сезона
читает он книгу Яльмара Сёдерберга "Серьезная игра" ("Den allvarsamma leken")
The Serious Game (Swedish: Den allvarsamma leken) is a 1912 novel by Hjalmar Söderberg. It tells the story of a man and a woman who fall in love when young, and remain in love, but stay separated and marry others.
на самом деле миллионы волновал совсем другой вопрос
фронтальная обнаженка Эрика, рейтинг, спойлер финала 6-го сезона
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about